Discovery Channel North America


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Anyone up for a tough one?

This is a mediocre recording of a broadcast of what I believe was one of the episodes of Discovery's new wilderness series "North America," first aired on or around May 19th.

There is a choral/orchestral track used which I can't identify. Emailing Discovery was of no help, and as usual, they don't publish details on this kind of music on their site -- just the rock/pop stuff.

Can anyone ID that song? Sounds like one of the usual studios -- Audiomachine, Two Steps from Hell, Immediate, someone -- but I don't know what the song is.

Would really appreciate some help on this one.
Re: Discovery North America

I'm not sure which commercial/song you're referring to because I couldn't access your link.

However, I found two commercials for the series you referenced:
  1. "Coming Home" by Diddy
  2. Find Our Way Home" by Blue Saraceno

I watched the series. It was great!

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Re: Discovery North America

Appreciate the suggestions, but neither of those songs is the one in my clip. The music in my clip is choral/orchestral, likely from one of the trailer music studios -- and Discovery doesn't publish details on what it uses as far as that goes.
Re: Discovery North America

IMDB lists the North America series original music composed by Nicholas Hooper and Charlie Mole. Have you looked into info on one or both of those composers?
Re: Discovery North America

IMDB lists the North America series original music composed by Nicholas Hooper and Charlie Mole. Have you looked into info on one or both of those composers?

Try as I might, no luck yet. Just their profile pages on their company site.
Re: Discovery North America

Try as I might, no luck yet. Just their profile pages on their company site.

Which company site(s)?

Watched program on Discovery channel and had song and only know few words to it (I like the rain)
had some great music with this song !!!